Belligerent Renegades
Guardians of Liberty. Belligerent against tyranny.
Belligerent Renegades is an American PC gaming clan that started in Destiny 2 and Elite: Dangerous, but we also play other games. Many of us are from the Midwestern and Central US.
We're a fairly laid back clan with basic common sense rules. Visitors and members are encouraged to participate in our Discord. Let's all hang out and play games together!
If you're interested in joining up, please visit the application page. You may also hang out with us on Discord even if you're not a member!
We Play Games
The Clan plays a variety of games these days. We originally started out as a Destiny 2 clan but have branched into other online games such as Elite: Dangerous.
This is not an inclusive list. Our members will group up in other games as well!